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R & D team

R & D team

  • Categories:R&D
  • Author:
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  • Time of issue:2021-08-24 19:42
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(Summary description)The field of micro-electro-acoustic devices involves many theoretical disciplines and is a highly practical discipline at the same time. The company has always adhered to the scientific development concept, and has introduced a number of senior experts in the industry to form a research and development team. After years of practice-theory-practice accumulation and precipitation, it has established a research and development team with a comprehensive technical system in the industry. At the same time, the company organically integrates the research and development of micro-electroacoustic products with the development of upstream and downstream industry products, from the integration of basic raw materials, to the development of downstream components, to the research and development of micro-electroacoustic devices, and extends to the customer’s overall audio solution. Solve, provide comprehensive audio solutions and technical value-added services for users of the whole machine.

R & D team

(Summary description)The field of micro-electro-acoustic devices involves many theoretical disciplines and is a highly practical discipline at the same time.

The company has always adhered to the scientific development concept, and has introduced a number of senior experts in the industry to form a research and development team. After years of practice-theory-practice accumulation and precipitation, it has established a research and development team with a comprehensive technical system in the industry.

At the same time, the company organically integrates the research and development of micro-electroacoustic products with the development of upstream and downstream industry products, from the integration of basic raw materials, to the development of downstream components, to the research and development of micro-electroacoustic devices, and extends to the customer’s overall audio solution. Solve, provide comprehensive audio solutions and technical value-added services for users of the whole machine.

  • Categories:R&D
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2021-08-24 19:42
  • Views:

The field of micro-electro-acoustic devices involves many theoretical disciplines and is a highly practical discipline at the same time.

The company has always adhered to the scientific development concept, and has introduced a number of senior experts in the industry to form a research and development team. After years of practice-theory-practice accumulation and precipitation, it has established a research and development team with a comprehensive technical system in the industry.

At the same time, the company organically integrates the research and development of micro-electroacoustic products with the development of upstream and downstream industry products, from the integration of basic raw materials, to the development of downstream components, to the research and development of micro-electroacoustic devices, and extends to the customer’s overall audio solution. Solve, provide comprehensive audio solutions and technical value-added services for users of the whole machine.

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